The TRIBE was founded in 2008 as a place for Teens in the community to come together to learn and have fun. The TRIBE was originally named "Teen Group" but in early 2013 the Teen Executive Board voted and changed the name to TRIBE. TRIBE stands for Teens Read Interesting Books Everywhere.

TRIBE members help out not only with in the Library setting but also throughout the community. TRIBE members have helped collect goods for local organizations as well as teaming up with Pages's Pals and collecting pet supplies for the local Animal League.

Throughout the year the TRIBE is active with events at the library as well as in the community. At the yearly Fall Festival TRIBE members design, construct, and present a float that appears in the parade. TRIBE members have won awards for their floats. Highest award was for the "Library of OZ" float winning Pick of the Parade.

The TRIBE is always open for more members to join. Teens 6th grade through 12th grade are welcome to join.

Want to be SUPER involved. Join a committee! There are three committees that TRIBE members can be a part of.
               1) Float Committee- This committee is in charge of all things Float. They design, built and participate in the Parade.
                                               You can join and be a part of all or part of this committee. 

               2) Decoration Committee- This committee is in charge of decorating the Library throughout the year. 

               3) Snack Committee- This committee helps with the snacks that TRIBE members enjoy at TRIBE events.

Think you want to join? Send an e-mail to Erin (Teen Adviser) at or call 316-755-7350
Valley Center Public Library Teen Group
What is the TRIBE?